Doing your taxes is one of the most important things that you can do in terms of finance throughout the year. AS a result, it pays to be careful when it comes to doing your filing and in terms of finding every way to reduce what you owe as possible. You may be able to find many extra tips in places like your favorite accounting blog, or with a accounting firm, but here are a few to get you started.
Pay Attention to Timing
It might seem strange, but looking carefully at the calendar will increase your chances of getting the best tax return. For example, you can pay the mortgage before the end of the year and the added interest will reduce your liability even more than what would happen otherwise. You can also schedule treatments and exams that are related to your health towards the end of the year so that you can get a much bigger deduction for medical expenses.
Check for Tax Credits
It turns out that 20 percent of eligible Americans don’t take tax credits that they could take, such as the Earned income tax credit. A lot of people might just think that they’re not eligible and disregard it. But even if you’re single and don’t have any children, as long as you worked this year you can be eligible for the credit. Your taxes go down on a straight one to one basis when it comes to credits, so this often makes them much better than deductions when it comes down to a dollar to dollar basis. As a result, you end up with a much lower amount of money that you owe.
Use Programs to Help
One great way to make sure that you don’t miss out on many possible deductions or credits is to try out a program like TurboTax. It’s usually not that expensive and it will make sure that you’re completely covered in terms of what you could possibly get off for a particular year. They will list all of the changes from year to year, and take you through each part of the filing step by step so that you don’t miss anything and so that everything is in order at the end of the day. This is a good way to be sure that you’re doing the best possible job.