Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tax Planning Is for Everybody

Not everybody considers taxes as something to be planned for - either you pay it in full, pay it less than what you owe the government, or skip it altogether and face the consequences later. Tax planning then seems like a waste of time and hiring the best Rochester accountant for it seems like a waste of good money.

The reality, however, is significantly different than the above mentioned unplanned payment of taxes. Every taxpayer from individuals to for-profit and non-profit organizations must engage in effective planning for taxation purposes. The reasons are many including:

• Taxes are expenses that lessen the net income earned by individuals and businesses. Planning to minimize the amount of taxes paid will maximize the net income earned; for example, you will defer income declaration for the next year in order to lessen your tax burden in the current year.

• Non-payment of taxes has surcharges and penalties that, more often than not, exceed the amount of taxes that should have been paid in the first place. The possible sanctions also make it necessary - nay, crucial - to engage in effective tax planning to avoid these regulatory penalties.

• Tax credits should be taken advantage of every year. These represent substantial savings since the items are non-taxable. Businesses use tax credits to their advantage such as the case with the Marriott Hotel with its alternative fuel plants and Bank of America with its affordable housing tax credits.

Tax planning is not just a one-time, year-end deal, far from it. The best Rochester accountant will strongly encourage his clients to engage in planning for taxation purposes on a year-round basis. This is to ensure that any new legislation, policy and rules affecting the remittance of taxes can be considered and changes can be made. For example, the so-called Obamacare - a health care reform law under the Obama administration - will increase taxes in the coming years. Your company should take these changes into account in, say, planning your employee benefits program.

Again, it must be emphasized that the main purpose of tax planning is to maximize income and minimize expenses. It must then be an integral part of the overall planning process for your business (i.e., marketing plan, sales plan, and business strategy plan). Taxes, after all, affect every facet of your operation from the sales taxes to the investment taxes.

It must also be noted that tax planning should be undertaken under the guidance of an experienced Rochester accountant. Said professional has the right set of knowledge, skills and aptitude to undertake the complex processes and papers involved. Think of the money paid for his professional fees as money well spent in order to gain greater amounts of tax savings. There is also the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all taxation plan since every business is unique in every way. Hiring an experienced accountant for the job means a tailored taxation plan that will, indeed, answer the goals of tax savings for the entity - yours, for example.

So, don't wait for the tax season before starting on the first steps of tax planning. Do it now! Read more about tax planning click here.

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